photocredit: Maciej Bujko
Born in West Germany.
Growing up in post-socialist Poland.
Playing in rapeseed fields,
next to an abandoned collective farm.
Watching German tv-shows in the evening.
Forests and lakes.
Concrete ghosts of communism.
The shine of capitalism.
Speaking and thinking in two languages at the same time.
A colourful, absurd and incongruous world.
Growing up in post-socialist Poland.
Playing in rapeseed fields,
next to an abandoned collective farm.
Watching German tv-shows in the evening.
Forests and lakes.
Concrete ghosts of communism.
The shine of capitalism.
Speaking and thinking in two languages at the same time.
A colourful, absurd and incongruous world.
The world of cultural and material contrasts has created my personal universe.
I create sculptures, vessels and still lifes. The starting point for each work is the ceramics studio. It contains my inventory of shapes, remains and colours. I work intuitively. A game of construction, deconstruction and assembly, using turned, modelled or found elements. I bring them together to meet in one place. They are the witnesses of past events. My compositional work is dedicated to them. Another important aspect of my work is the game of balance in space between painting and sculpture. I‘m interested in contrasts, like naked clay and shiny glaze, like Warsaw and Berlin.
Anja Marschal, born 1989, Ahlen (Germany)
Exhibitions and Residencies:
09/2024- La Maison de la Ceramique, Dieulefit/France , Groupshow "Generation ceramique vol.14"
07/2024- Saint Quentin la Poterie/France ,Festival Européen Céramique "Terralha"
05/2024- Port de Bouc/France , Salon Art Contemporain "Hybrid Art"
05/2024- Chantemerle les Grignian /France , Terres Actuelles "Biennale de la Céramique"
03/2024- Moly Sabata, Sablons/France , Residency "La grande cuisson"11/2023- La Maison de la Ceramique, Dieulefit/France , Groupshow "KILNFEVER"
09/2022- Galerie Basia Embiricos, Paris/France, Group show „Candellight“
03/2022- Galerie Joseph, Paris/France, "1000 VASES"
07/2021-Spazio Cut, Bolzano/Italy, Duo show „Art is everyday“
06/2021- Biennale de la Ceramique Dieulefit/France, Group show „Eclectisme“
05/2019- Poznan Design Festival, Poznan/Poland, Group show „Yes scholarship“
05/2017- Porzellanwelten, Leuchtenburg/Germany, Group show „Kunst trifft Industrie“
01/2017- Staatliches Museum fur Porzellan, Selb/Germany, Group show „Kunst trifft Industrie“
09/2016-03/2017- Travel Bishkek-Berlin, along the silkroad, Reaserch project
08/2016- Eschenbach Porzellan, Triptis/Germany, Residency „Spielraum 125 “
07/2015- Bauhaus summerschool, Dessau/Germany - Residency
2022-2023 -Maison de la Céramique, Dieulefit, France, Céramiste BAC+2
2012-2016- Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany, Produkt Design, BA
2009-2012- University of Arts Poznan, Poland
Leuchtenburg, Seltenroda, Germany
La Maison de la Céramique, Dieulefit, France